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BOOK-IT and the city of Erlangen support families from Ukraine

BOOK-IT and the city of Erlangen support families from Ukraine

While the war is still destroying homes, new homes are found in Erlangen

Since Russia attacked Ukraine in February of 2022 people from Ukraine had to leave their homes and find new homes in neighboring countries like Poland and Germany. Early on we decided as a company to open our (apartment) doors to people in the need for new places to sleep and live. It was a spontaneous act that developed into something much bigger later on since there are more than 100 people currently living at our apartments. The city of Erlangen was really struggling to find good places to accommodate so many people and so we started bringing more and more people in. It got crowded sometimes in the hallways, it got loud and sometimes even a bit heated but overall we are all very proud to say that we managed it together with our Sozialamt here in Erlangen and other helping hands. We want to thank everybody who helped and gifted things and also congratulate us and our guests from Ukraine for our common patience and endurance in this effort. Even though the news' coverage decreased quite a bit since the early days of the war, the social perspective hasn't changed much for the people but we are sure that as a peaceful society we can help together and do our part to support those impacted by war.

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